Digiteal SA
BE 0630675588
LEI 9845000A44AB9CA60605
Rue Emile Francqui 6/9
1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
Now that private individuals want to reduce ecological and economic waste, it is only natural that the second-hand market (purchase-sale) is constantly increasing. Cars, bicycles, tools, etc., everything is there and that’s good. Unfortunately, as recent events have once again shown, this market also attracts ill-intentioned people. Fraud is becoming more and more frequent.
Online payments are taking an ever-increasing place in this type of transactions due to three factors:
And this is where you have to be particularly careful: one of the most common scams used in face-to-face transactions is that during the exchange, the buyer will show the seller a so-called proof of wire transfer or payment. You shouldn’t be fooled, it is now very easy to make a photo edit that indicates that a nice amount has been transferred to the seller. This type of proceeding should never be trusted.
Based on this sad observation and with the desire to build a secure solution that encourages second-hand purchase and sale, Digiteal (a payment institution certified by the National Bank of Belgium) has created an additional service: the Trusted Payment (Digitrust).
In a nutshell: the identities of the people involved in the transaction are verified, the money is secured before the meeting and, during the exchange, if the buyer confirms his purchase and releases the funds to the seller, the latter is immediately notified on his own smartphone: no magic trick possible…
This is the reason why AutoScout24 recommends using Digiteal.
Cedric Neve, founder:
“With its core project, Digiteal reduces the ecological waste of hundreds of millions of paper invoices that are still sent to Belgian individuals every year.
A second life for objects is also a good initiative in many ways. It was therefore quite naturally that the team decided to tackle this problem, which is in line with our values: societal objective, trust, transparency.
Having these two services through our application gives even more added value to private individuals.”
Reduce your financial risk and carry out your transactions in a secure environment thanks to the Digiteal web or mobile application!