Digiteal SA
BE 0630675588
LEI 9845000A44AB9CA60605
Rue Emile Francqui 6/9
1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert
On February 19th 2019, Digiteal SA, holder of a license as a payment institution, was granted access to additional services by the National Bank of Belgium. In addition to the current payment services, Digiteal can now also act as a Third-Party-Payment Provider (TPP). This includes two new services: Account Information Services (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS).
Cédric Nève, Digiteal founder:
“We are more than pleased that thanks to the PSD2 initiative and the agreement of the NBB we can improve our existing solutions and bring new ones to the market.
Whether it concerns the bill presentment and payment solution or our trusted payments solution (aka Digitrust) for a purchase-sale transaction, our customers will soon be able to consult the balance of their bank account with which they wish to pay an invoice, make a transfer from their bank account (s) directly to a supplier, and much more. So what I can say is.. Stay tuned ;-)“